3256 Levans Road Coplay, Pa 18037 | 610-799-3411
North Whitehall Township


North Whitehall Township Taxes in North Whitehall Township
There are a number of tax and fees that residents of North Whitehall Township are assessed. Residents often comment that they pay high taxes in the Township. While some overall tax bills may be considered high, taxes paid directly to the Township are actually some of the lowest in the Lehigh Valley. Property values are assessed by Lehigh County and property taxes are calculated based on those valuations.

The following are the assessed taxes for 2022.

General Property Tax millage - .5 mils
Farmland Preservation Tax millage - .1 mils
Total Property Tax millage - .6 mils (0.0006)
Realty Transfer Tax - 1% (split btwn school & twp)
Earned Income Tax - 1% (split btwn school & twp)
Local Services Tax - $52.00

In addition to these taxes there is an Street light assessment that is limited to those properties within 250' of a street light. The current assessment is:

Residential Flat Rate - $45.00
Institutional Flat Rate - $1, 825.00

North Whitehall Township is part of the Parkland School District that also encompasses South Whitehall and Upper Macungie Townships. School district taxes are not governed or set by the townships. The millage rate for the school district is determined by the Parkland School Board of Directors. Current Parkland School District millage assessment is 15.81 mils which is the lowest assessed school district rate in Lehigh County. Lehigh County tax rate is 3.78 mils

Overall taxes in North Whitehall Township, including local, Parkland School District and Lehigh County, are the lowest in all of Lehigh County.

  • Donna Kumernitsky (2022-2026)
  • Jonathan Kumernitsky, Deputy Tax Collector (2022-2026)

Contact information for North Whitehall Township
Phone: 610-769-3000
Email: realestatetax@northwhitehall.org
Address for paying taxes: 3256 Levans Road Coplay, PA 18037
Tax Collector hours for January, February, and March: by appointment only. To make an appointment, please call or email the tax collector.

Tax certification fee: $30
Duplicate bill fee: $5

© North Whitehall Township