3256 Levans Road Coplay, Pa 18037 | 610-799-3411
North Whitehall Township

Active Solicitor Permits

North Whitehall Township Door-to-door sales in North Whitehall Township are allowed by permit only. To obtain a permit all solicitors must provide photo identification and abide by certain regulations in the Township Code. Solicitors must also carry their Township-issued permit at all times, and make it available to property owners should they ask.

Please note that local government can't require religious organizations, political candidates, and certain non-profit advocates to obtain a permit as the courts have ruled that doing so violates free speech. But property owners have the final say as to whether any solicitor is allowed on their properties.

So consider posting a "no solicitation" sign on your front lawn or near the front door if you want to stop commercial and non-commercial solicitors. Signs can be obtained from the Township Municipal Building for no charge. North Whitehall Township also has a Do Not Solicit List that is given to every soliciting permit holder. To add yourself to this list, fill out the form HERE.

You may pick up a sign at our Township Building for no charge.

North Whitehall Township Active Solicitation Permits:

  • Moxie Pest Control (5/22/2024 - 5/22/2025)
  • Aptive Environmental LLC (5/22/2024 - 5/22/2025)
  • Disaster Solutions (5/30/2024 - 5/30/2025)

© North Whitehall Township