Every storm is different, but usually salt is applied at the start of a storm. After 2 to 3-inches of snow has accumulated, plowing will begin. After the plowing process is completed, another application of salt may be necessary.
Arterial and collector roads are plowed first, followed by residential roads, cul-de-sacs, and intersections. The primary function of an arterial road is to deliver traffic from collector roads to freeways or expressways. A collector road is a low-to-moderate-capacity road which serves to move traffic from local streets.
During a storm, our Township goal is to keep all roads passible, so many times total width plowing, intersections, and cul-de-sacs are not plowed until the storm is ending or has ended. Due to the circle design of cul-de-sacs, it is difficult to equally distribute the snow. Do not become alarmed if one area of your cul-de-sac or intersection has more snow after plowing than you see in another section. This is normal for our plowing sequence.
As per NWT Ordinance No. 2004-5, Section 1, it is unlawful to park or allow to be parked any motor vehicle or other vehicle on any street or road which is part of the Township System after the start of a snowfall and until the snow has stopped falling and the snow has been completely plowed for the full width of the roadway.
The best solution is to wait until the streets have been plowed before cleaning your driveway, mailbox, or sidewalks. The plow crews have no place to put the snow, so already cleared areas are ideal for the plow to "empty off". Sometimes this is unavoidable and you need to clear your snow. Please make sure to clear the snow into an area away from your driveway, mailbox or sidewalk so the plow has a chance to unload its buildup of snow before passing your area of concern. Remember; do not shovel snow from driveways, sidewalks, or mailboxes into the roadway. This practice is illegal under the State Motor Vehicle Code and NWT Township Ordinance No. 2004-5, Section 3, and is also a hazard other residents traveling your roadway.
Most of the time, the snow plow "wash" snow coming off the plow is the culprit that knocks off the mailboxes. As NWT Ordinance No. 2004-6 states, the Township shall not repair or replace mailboxes, mail posts, any type of grass vegetation and lawn turf with the roadway right-of-way. The only exception to the repair or replacement of the aforementioned items by the Township shall be upon the confirmation that such damage or destruction occurred through the backing or turning maneuvers of a Township-owned vehicle.
Due to liability reasons, the Township is cutting back on snow markers and only setting up in the most critical areas of the Township. Individual property owners are allowed to mark the edge of their lawns, driveways or other hazards showing the Township snow plow drivers specific areas to avoid. All reflective markers must be made of plastic, aluminum, or fiberglass and need to be placed 3 feet off the road surface.
Listed below are PennDOT roads in our Township which are handled entirely by PennDOT State maintenance crews.
If you have any questions, please contact PennDOT at 610-798-4280.
Due to the rate of maturity of trees, weather, and equipment failure, it is impossible to guarantee a set scheduled pickup date for any specific street. Leaf pickup runs around 6 weeks each fall. The Township crews will be around several times in that 6-week period. Leaves should be placed in rows close to the roadway, so the leaf crew can reach the leaves with the machine. Please keep the leaves away from mail boxes, vehicles and other large items to facilitate the pick-up process.