3256 Levans Road Coplay, Pa 18037 | 610-799-3411
North Whitehall Township

Parks, Recreation and Open Space
Comprehensive Plan Update 2021-2022

Parks & Recreation The current Township Comprehensive Park, Recreation, and Open Space Plan (PROSP) was last adopted in 2009. The plan was a joint effort between South Whitehall Township and North Whitehall Township. The new PROSP plan update will focus on North Whitehall Township and is funded by a matching grant obtained by the Township from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR).

The general purpose of the PROSP plan builds on the fact that parks, recreation programs, and open space areas improve the quality of life within a municipality. Enhancing the quality of life includes preserving natural and cultural features for the enjoyment of future generations and provides opportunities for citizens to improve their mental and physical well-being in addition to expanding social interaction. Leisure activities and the facilities needed to support these activities are therefore essential components of a healthy community.

Our kickoff meeting took place in August and the plan is anticipated to be complete in twelve months. Public participation is highly encouraged throughout the plan update process. The public will have opportunities to provide comments and input through public meetings and public surveys.


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